Episode 28: Left-Brain Productivity Tips for Right-Brain Creatives



Today Gia and Karen talk about productivity for creative people and finding a balance between the left and right brains! Above (on the show notes page at http://www.itsjustlifepodcast.com) is an actual photo of Karen’s desk taken right after recording this episode – see what I mean about the whirlwind? (You’ll have to listen to find out!)

Karen shares that she will be on her way to Iceland and France just a few days after recording this podcast. Since they have pre-recorded a few episodes, by the time you hear this she will be on her way back home and she’ll talk about her trip on the next episode.

Gia starts with Something Positive: the story of a police officer who saved a life by preventing a man from jumping off a bridge. He talked gently and calmly with the man about football in order to gain his trust and get him to climb back down from the railing. Remember that for every story of hatred we hear there are probably thousands of quiet stories of heroism and love. Look for the love wherever you go!

Karen introduces the topic today by describing her own issues as a “messy creative” – see the proof of that in the photo above. Gia, however, has always been super-organized and efficient so she has struggled a bit more in the past with allowing space for creativity to enter. They each talk about their own solutions to their opposite problems:

  • schedule time each day for creativity – consistency pays off
  • the Pomodoro Technique – do focused, intense work for a period of 25 minutes, followed by a 5 minute break for something fun or nurturing
  • keep a planner or to-do list to help remember what needs to be done but not to dictate a rigid schedule
  • relax into the flow of creative ideas – they will come when they are meant to
  • creativity can flourish in the midst of messiness
  • accept your creative output as it is without judgement
  • The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron helps explain how the inner critic operates and what to do about it
  • Parkinson’s Law: work expands to fill the time allotted
  • each of us is channeling creativity through our own unique body-mind, so don’t judge it and “don’t be afraid to suck”
  • know yourself and how you channel creativity – accept your process as it is and love yourself just as you are (even with a messy desk!)

Thanks for listening in! How does your creativity flow? Share your thoughts with us!

Links for Gia and Karen:

Gia’s website: www.divinelygia.com

Karen’s website: www.karenwyattmd.com

We love you!!

Gia and Karen


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